Glambert e Fundadora do Adam Lambert Brasil: Jessy Pestana – Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Local: Copacabana Palace Hotel (Meet & Greet), Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Data: 17/09
Depoimento: “Eu acompanho o Adam desde o American Idol… Já gastei dinheiro… Já enviei presente… Já acordei de madrugada para ver shows… e faria tudo novamente. Tudo valeu a pena aí chegou o dia de encontrar ele.
Primeiro fui na porta do hotel… Gritamos na hora que ele apareceu na sacada, ele ficou surpreso por ver os fãs… nesse momento eu comecei a chorar… Foi incrível… Depois ele veio e tirou foto e autografou… Aí vimos ele de pertinho, foi quando eu tive noção do que tava acontecendo… Ele é incrivelmente lindo e simpático, porém tinha a impressão que ele fosse maior.
No meet, eu tentando acalmar a outra fã fiquei calma… Porém na hora que me mandaram subir, começou o frio na barriga… Quando escutei a voz dele, já veio a lágrima, entramos e vimos ele… Nossa esse foi o momento que fez tudo valer a pena…
Conversamos com ele, foi rápido mas me senti íntima… parecíamos dois amigos conversando e rindo… Ele ficou a vontade comigo e eu com ele.
Foi simplesmente melhor que imaginava… Melhor que sonhava… Melhor que tudo… Foi realização de um sonho. Me senti amiga dele…”
Testimonial: I’ve been following Adam since American Idol. I’ve spent money on him, I’ve sent him presents, I’ve waken up in the middle of the night to see his gigs on the internet, and I would do it all over again. It was all worth it when I got the chance to meet him.
I first got to the hotel with other fans. We cheered when he showed up at the balcony and he was surprised to see the fans. I started crying at this moment… It was amazing. Then he came down and took some pictures with us and autographed our stuff. Only when we saw him so close to us that the penny had dropped. He is insanely handsome and friendly, though I’ve always pictured him taller.
On the day of the official Meet & Greet before we got inside the hotel, I was trying to calm a fan who was nervous outsite, but when they asked us to wait inside for the meeting, I had butterflies on my stomach. When I listened his voice coming from the room I got emotional. We went inside the room and I saw him and then I realized it was all worth it.
It was simply better than I’ve thought, better than I’ve ever dreamed it was gonna be… it was better than anything. It was a dream coming true. I felt like I was his friend.