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Foto do Dia – 13/03
Na última quinta-feira (10) após a apresentação da versão acústica de Aftermath no American Idol, conforme já publicamos aqui, Adam ganhou a Certificação pelo Remix de Aftermath da RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), que foi oficialmente lançada para a venda nesta mesma noite após a sua apresentação no programa. Confira mais uma foto, desta vez de Adam segurando a placa:

Fonte: joooory / IDF
Nice!! 🙂
Just a few parting coetnmms. Unlike others who say I’ll never watch BB again for whatever reason, I will watch again next season as I have the last seven or eight seasons. Having said that, however, I have found myself watching less BBAD and fewer episodes during the week over the last two and a half seasons (ever since the Jeff and the magical powers incident two seasons ago).My vote this year is not for any player (since I do like the game play of any of the remaining contestants), my vote is AGAINST BB and CBS production. Unlike Survivor which airs two or three times a year, BB fans wait a whole year for a new season. When you give us a waisted, overly produced season like this season, on the heels of watching the so called brigade for the last half of last season, you are waisting too many years of this old man’s life.I hope you do a much much better job next season.