Glambert e Fundadora do Adam Lambert Brasil: Carol Ahmed – Natal/RN
Local: Copacabana Palace Hotel (Meet & Greet), Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Data: 17/09
Depoimento: “Quando decidi começar o site Adam Lambert Brasil com as meninas, motivada por grande amor e admiração, meu intuito era não outro que promover o Adam em nosso país. Divulgar a carreira que mal havia começado, mas que eu já sabia que iria longe. Eu sempre soube que ele faria história. Sempre acreditei no seu potencial. E anos depois, ter a oportunidade de estar ao lado dessas amigas, prestes a conhecê-lo, foi totalmente surreal, para dizer o mínimo. Tão surreal, que não fiquei nem nervosa até chegar ao Copacabana Palace. Estava bem tranquila até, como se aquilo não fosse “de verdade”. A ansiedade começou a tomar conta de mim ao entrar no hotel. Estávamos agora mais perto do que nunca. O meeting atrasou um pouco, e quanto mais a hora passava, mais as borboletas faziam festa no estômago. Entrariam fãs de dois em dois, o que me deixou bem feliz, pois eu poderia viver esse momento com a amiga e companheira de site Jessy. Subimos 4 pessoas para o andar do meet. Duas entraram na nossa frente. Assim que a porta se abriu para elas, ouvimos lá de dentro um “Hello” do Adam. Foi quando a ficha caiu de verdade. Gente, ELE ESTAVA ALI MESMO. De verdade. Em carne e osso. Depois de tantos anos, eu mal podia acreditar.
Nossa vez finalmente chegou e eu fui a primeira a ir falar com ele. Não pude dizer outra coisa senão, “Não acredito que estou vendo você aqui”. E dei um abraço. Um dos melhores abraços da vida. Nem é preciso dizer que ele estava deslumbrante né? Basta ver a foto para saber. Mas ter Adam Lambert ao meu lado, falando comigo, recebendo meu presente e minha carta (sim, gente. Sou brega e escrevi uma carta), me abraçando e rindo foi emocionante. Aquele sorriso dele é contagiante. Um momento bem marcante foi quando ele autografou a minha camisa do site. Ele quis olhar com detalhes a camisa. De ambos os lados. E elogiou também, tanto a camisa quanto o site.
Sem dúvidas, um dos melhores momentos da minha vida. Obrigada Josy e Jessy por fazerem ele acontecer ao fundarem esse site comigo. Obrigada por estarem ao meu lado. Que venham muitos outros, pois está só começando para o Adam!”
Testimonial: When I dediced to create Adam Lambert Brasil website with my friends I was motivated by a huge love and admiration and my goal was no other but to promote Adam in our country. I wanted to promote his still new career by then, but I could see that he was going to places. I knew for sure he was going to make history. I have always believed in his potencial. And years after that, having the chance to be side by side my friends about to meet him in that hotel was absolutely surreal, to say the least. It was so surreal for me that I wasn’t even nervous when I got to Copacabana Palace hotel. I was actually pretty calm, as if that was not happening “for real”. But I had butterflies in my stomach when we got inside the hotel. We were closer to him than we’d never been before. The meeting was late and the longer we waited, the more anxious I got. We were told we were gonna go in pairs, which made me very happy because I would be able to live this moment with a friend of mine, Jessy. Four people went upstais to the floor the Meet & Greet was being held. Two girls got in the room before us and when they opened the door I could hear him saying “Hello” to them. Guys, he was RIGHT THERE. Like, for real! In flesh and blood. After so many years I could barely believe that was finally happening.
Our turn has finally come and I was the first to talk to him. I couldn’t say anything else but “I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you here”. And I gave him a hug. It was one of the best hugs of my life. I don’t even have to say how stunning he was, right? You can see it in the picture. But having Adam Lambert by my side, talking to me, getting my present and my letter (yes, guys. I’m old fashioned and I wrote him a letter), hugging me and laughing was very emotional. His smile is catchy. A remarkable moment was when he autographed my Adam Lambert Brasil shirt. He looked it closely, front and back, and gave it many compliments, both to the shirt and to our website.
That was one of the best moments of my life, without any doubts. Thank you Josy and Jessy for making this happen when you created this website with me. Thank you for being there with me. May other meetings come, ’cause I’m sure this is only the beginning for Adam.