Mais de Adam Lambert na festa de Scott Hoying em Los Angeles – 04/04
Confira mais uma foto e vários vídeos da festa de Scott Hoying, realizada nesta quarta-feira (04) em Los Angeles (CA, EUA), a qual contou com a presença de Adam:

4 VIDEOS COMBINED jhartmusic, maxwellpoth, karamobrown stories, Adam last night, he is sitting on the floor on the right
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
VIDEO jaredgelman instagram stories you see Adam on the right sitting on the floor. He's wearing the sunglasses w the yellow lense
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
VIDEO nicktumino instagram stories Adam is sitting on the floor @ right with Terrance smiling 🙂
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
VIDEO nicktumino instagram stories Adam is sitting on the floor @ right with Terrance smiling 🙂
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
lukefontana ig story, Adam between the 2 couches , sitting on the floor
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
Just a fun info. Both photos that Adam took with friends last night were taken inside a tent. Scott had that tent in the living room where they had the party and people were going to sit inside. Cute lol!
— Gelly (@14gelly) 5 de abril de 2018
Autoria do Post: Josy Loos
Fontes: @14gelly e Adam Lambert/Instagram
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