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[EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW by Adam Lambert Brasil] Check out the exclusive interview with one of the characters of “Another Lonely Night” Music Video: TJ!
The video for “Another Lonely Night”, second single from Adam Lambert’s third album “The Original High”, was released officially on 10/08/2015 and made a huge success among fans. The music video was directed by the photographer and filmmaker Luke Gilford, and took place on an “old” Las Vegas. In the storyline, Adam is a lounge singer, in an Elvis Presley-style, featuring three more characters: Canadian-model Gigi Gorgeous as a wedding officiator; TJ as a male-stripper with Magic Mike-style: and Celina Nightengale as a showgirl. All of them are dealing with their careers and lonely lives in Sin City. And we have awesome news! One of these characters, TJ, has agreed to be interviewed by our team. Learn more about this gorgeous man and amazing dancer:

Adam Lambert Brasil: Tell us about you… Who is TJ?
TJ: To keep it simple, I’m an average guy just trying to uncover his fullest potential by putting myself out there and facing my fears so that I may become the greatest version of myself.
Adam Lambert Brasil: Which was your first motivation to become a stripper? And what is your goal in this journey?
TJ: Oh man I get asked this question a lot, just about every night. LOL!!! Honestly its one of those things that just came to me. I am an opportunist; the chance came and i seized the moment. My thought process at the time was just GO FOR IT! No holding back, I didn’t wanna say “man I had an awesome opportunity but I was scared to take it”. Shoot the fact that it DID scare me, made it even more so enticing to give it a shot. Greatness is created outside of the comfort zone and so I went for it. My 1st experience was right after a horrible break up… Sadly I went into a bad depression, long story short, I began to build myself back up. I took a look at the life I had created and seeked improvements in every aspect beginning with my health. A small guy at the time, I set forth in creating a gym schedule as inspired by my father. As I got more involved and serious with my workouts I started to realize the necessity of a healthy diet. Why work my ass off in the gym for hours on end (because again i was deeply depressed and this took my mind off the pain) if I was only to put low quality garbage food in my system. And so I started on my research to becoming as healthy as possible. Once coming to the realization that I had built an amazing body after nearly a year of consistent hard work, I came across a chance to show it off I guess you might say. There was a “Hot Bodies” contest at one of the local country bars I enjoyed going to. And so it was decided that I was gonna give it shot, ended up getting 2nd place. Because of the confidence this experience had given me I began to look around and think about the idea of becoming a stripper/ striptainer.
Adam Lambert Brasil: About your job, what was your biggest experience until now?
TJ: When I first started about 2 1/2 years ago I had no prior dance experience. I started at the bottom and looked like a fool, with every new show I had created it was rush of adrenaline to step on to that stage. Sometimes to the point where I would almost black out. The fear of being laughed at and humiliated consumed me but I faced it over and over again until I got to where Im at now. Still in disbelief that I’m a good “dancer” but great in the art of “striptaining”.

Adam Lambert Brasil: Your special appearance in Adam Lambert’s video “Antoher Lonely Night” made a huge success among fans, how were you invited?
TJ: The Producer Luke Gilford was in the club one night speaking to our new owners and management. They had referred myself and one other guy. So the following night they asked us to come in and meet with Luke. He sat down and we had talked about the story line for this video. Immediately I had gotten excited for I knew this was something I had been manifesting in my mind for nearly a year now! Needless to say he picked me and here we are now 🙂
Adam Lambert Brasil: Did you know Adam Lambert before it?
TJ: When I first met with Luke he would not let me in on who the music video was for. Supposedly “classified” info at the time hahaha. But come day of the shoot they finally had let me know it was for Adam Lambert! “Who?” I responded lol. My girlfriend (who was originally casted to be part of the video with me as she was pregnant) replied, “ …That guy from American Idol …” still unsure of who he was I looked up some videos on Youtube and discovered Adam, a man with great talent none the less.
Adam Lambert Brasil: Tell us how this experience was. Did you like the final result?
TJ: Day of the shoot is finally here, bright and early the production crew begins to roll in. Nearly 40-50 crew members with all kinds of equipment and several large moving trucks all down my street. They make their way into my house and started. It was crazy! I couldn’t believe how much goes into making these videos. As the day goes on and we wrapped up our shots in the house we moved to the strip where we you see me skateboarding into work. And from there I had to head home to take care of some other business, while the crew moved on to filming other parts of the video. When night approaches I headed into work @ OG and did my thing just like any other night, but this time it felt like I was in a dream. They had lights, cameras, lasers, and fog machines all surrounding the stage. And the reality set in that I was in this moment making it happen. Getting ready for my final shots to get on stage the producer had made a last minute decision to have me dress as a Fireman, as it would be more recognizable for viewers to know what was going on. Typically I would be wearing a “JT costume/ suit n tie”… Despite the long day and sudden changes it made for a very memorable experience full of fun and laughter. I couldn’t have asked for more and definitely couldn’t be more pleased with final results. Only bummer was the lack thereof notoriety in my assistance. I was really hoping there be some type of credits that would alert fans of who I was. Thats where you have come in tho my friend, so THANK YOU JOSY!
Adam Lambert Brasil: People on the streets or even in your job, do they recognize you as a character of this video?
TJ: I have had many friends write me thru social media and say they saw me but never anyone off the street.

Adam Lambert Brasil: The song “Another Lonely Night” talks about loneliness, how could you relate this to your job and your life in Las Vegas?
TJ: You know for the typical entertainer, this may be very true. Undoubtedly it is very tuff to have a relationship when working within this industry. As I have mentioned above tho I am very blessed and lucky to have found someone who whole heartedly supports me. She too is within the same industry so we have a good understanding of each other.
Adam Lambert Brasil: Would you like to act again?
TJ: Absolutely it was an amazing experience. But as for now I am focused on creating a business so that I can move forward in my art without the desire to acquire moneys.
Adam Lambert Brasil: You make some girl’s dreams come true in your shows, but how about you? What’s your biggest dream?
TJ: I just came across an amazing quote a couple days ago, it goes, “ I am dreaming while I am awake, and I am awake while I am dreaming” It is true. I am living everyday with an open mind so that I may continuously learn and grow all the while experiencing just as much excitement as ever before. Thats all there is to it. Just enjoying the beauty of every moment while doing new and old things which bring happiness. By doing this I am being the best version of myself and sharing my love to help others do the same. Thats one heck of a dream to be awake for 🙂
Adam Lambert Brasil: Do you have a day job?
TJ: In some way or another everything I do kinda revolves around this. Its a 24/7 kind of job. You are working for yourself so you have to be on the grind, working out, eating right, practicing new shows and dance moves, promoting, as well as looking for new ways to have that edge over the competition…I have done some modeling, and promotional work but I have recently discovered that I would be better off building my own business. This job has taught me a lot about that.

TJ: One question I wish you had asked… How have the women you meet nighty motivated you in becoming a better man? Its been an emotional rollercoaster. Most men can not handle 1 women, let alone 100s and 1,000s. Because of these experiences and interactions I have been forced to look inside myself and grow. Women want a strong man who can stand up for himself and others who may not be able to. A man with a voice and a backbone. One who can lead the way or at minimum stand by there side thru the fire.
NOTE: The partial or full reproduction of this material is forbidden without giving the right credits. Thank You!
Check out again, TJ in one teaser of Another Lonely Night
You can follow him on Instagram (@the_kid_jt) and if you’re going to Las Vegas make sure to watch him perform at the OG Club, @1531 Las Vegas Blvd S. Open seven days a week!
Watch “Another Lonely Night” Music Video bellow. The video already has more than 4,9 million views:
Author: Josy Loos
Thanks: Gabriela Macieira and Wesley Junior
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