Remix de “If I Had You” by Malta Torrez & Junior Senna
Confira abaixo um remix de “If I Had You” – música que faz parte do primeiro álbum de Adam Lambert, “For Your Entertainment” – feito pelo DJ e Produtor Malta Torrez e Junior Senna.
Fonte: M Torrez/Soundcloud
Agradecimentos: Alessandra Andrade
heya,I find it somewhat irnoic that the iPhone app lets you choose units (miles and KMs), whilst the Android Latitude does not – a longstanding gripe from many users.Just like the whole editing of Google Docs on Android (which only came out around a month ago, and still lags behind iDevices), it seems like Androids are actually a second-class citizen…Very weird – and a sad fact, because it lends weight to all the critics who say that Android and it’s apps lacks the polish of iOS and WP7.Cheers,Victor